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Simply the finest and most loving cat grooming spa....ever. Tender, well informed care by an amazing staff.

Valerie A

Mill Valley, CA

i so appreciate you're vast knowledge on how I can best care for my fluffy friends. Your customer service is stellar and I always enjoy seeing you all when I go in to stock up on kitty supplies. Perhaps best of all is being able to bring home my freshly groomed baby after one of your wonderful spa treatments!

Julie R.

San Francisco, CA

Cats Meow is the absolute best! I can't say enough good things about Irene the owner/groomer and Jen, her assistant/kitty nutritional expert. Irene has a magically soothing presence and my kitty fell in love with completely. Angel my two-year old ragdoll came in for a much needed emergency flea extraction and de-matting session. Irene took the time to get him relaxed and acclimated, playing with him, petting him and generally showering him with love. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and compassionate first time grooming experience for my beloved kitty. 

Alice P

Petaluma, CA


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Store Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm;   Closed on Sunday and Monday   |147 Lomita Drive, Suite A,  Mill Valley, CA    |    (415) 366-7800  |   Email Us

Grooming Appointments Have Extended Hours and are by Appointment Only 

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© 2015 by Fur Cat's Sake, LLC.

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